Borste, S | Furçë e përshtatur për pastrimin e maceve dhe qenve të vegjël

Premium, grooming combo brush that features an environmentally friendly bamboo material, one of the most sustainable wood products.

2 000,00 Lekë

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Në magazinë Në dispozicion, koha e dorëzimit 1-2 days
Gëzof i shëndritshëm - Leaves your pet with a healthy, shiny coat
2 madhësi - Small & Large

2-in-1 Combo brush

This dual-purpose brush has bamboo construction and handle, steel pins on one side and soft rubber air cushion with boar bristles on the other. It is designed for pets with short to medium coats. Use the side with rounded steel pins to gently detangle the fur and remove the undercoat, then use the side with the boar brush to remove loose hair and debris. By using Borste regularly, natural oils are distributed in the fur to leave your pet with a healthy, shiny coat. 

Gëzof i shëndrithsëm
2 madhësi

Why bamboo?

Bamboo is an eco-friendlier alternative to sustainably harvested hardwood since it is the fastest growing plant in the world making it the most renewable natural resource. It is a very strong and durable material, tougher than most wood, and yet lightweight. Our bamboo grooming tools are proudly made in China: processing and manufacture is done where the bamboo is grown.

Available in two sizes

19.5 x 5.3 cm

23 x 6.5 cm

Balanced diet and high quality ingredients


Nuk ka komente ende

Cilësi e njohur botërore, kujdes lokalCilësi suedeze për kafshët tuaja shtëpiake


Që nga viti 1987 Husse ofron shpërndarje falas në shtëpi të produkteve cilësore për qen dhe mace në të gjithë Evropën.


Produktet Husse janë të disponueshme në mbi 50 vende anembanë globit.


Mbi 1000 franshizë që këshillojnë dhe ofrojnë produkte në derën tuaj.

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